When it comes to time… Family is the best way to spend it

Even though I miss Bozeman the good thing about being in St. Louis for Christmas break, is that I get to see my family. It was great to see family that I haven’t seen since last year. We shared presents, stories, memories, and just cherished the moments that we had together. I just loved being in the moment around loved ones, people who I know will always have my back through thick and thin. That’s what family is for right? All of my life I have lived away from my family not because we necessarily wanted to just because there was more opportunity other places – so I was never able to go to grandma’s after school or have my crazy auntie yelling at the basketball games. I always had to go visit them in St. Louis but when you are younger you don’t understand that you need that support system and how important it is to your well being. Now that I’m older, I get it – FAMILY IS MY BACKBONE and I wish I could spend everyday with them. But the short time I have with them – I will enjoy it and be thankful so snaps snaps for family !! 🙂




Take Away Message: Appreciate family, whether it is blood or not, life is easier when you have people to support you and be with you through the good and the bad.

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